Anda mempunyai masalah kulit tidak sekata? Muka gelap tangan putih atau muka putih tangan gelap? Mesti malukan dan takut akan digelakkan orang. Collagen apa yang boleh cantikkan 1 badan??
Jom cantik 1 badan dengan
Cantik di luar sihat di dalam
-mencerahkan kulit muka & badan
-mengurangkan jeragat & pigmentasi
-memberikan kesan cerah sekata pada kulit
-melembutkan serta menganjalkan kulit
-mencerahkan bahagian kulit yg gelap akibat geseran berterusan
menghilangkan bintik gelap pada lengan & tangan
-menguatkan sendi-sendi tulang
Sekarang anda boleh meletakkan 100% kepercayaan terhadap bella sweet ini tanpa was-was kerana :
CARA MAKAN : Hanya kemam atau telan sebiji selapas sarapan dan sebiji sebelum tido.
Untuk hasil yang lebih baik, minum 2-3 liter air sehari.
45 KILOS Slimming
Content: 60 capsules/box
Direction: Takes 1-2 capsules per day before meal.
Tomatoes are a low calorie food that help in blood circulation and the decomposition of fat in our body.
Kyoto University’s Professor Teruo Kawada research team noted that tomatoes contain 13-oxo-9 and 11-octadecadienoic acid which effectively inhibit the increase of lipids. They also control cholesterol and triglycerides, thus balancing the amount of lipids in our body.
In addition, 45 Kilos contains L-carnitine, a kind of essential amino acid in the human body. This multi-purpose weight loss product helps us in various ways, including fats burning, breaks down stubborn fats, increases endurance, resists fatigue, controls blood lipid content, increases antioxidant, detoxification, and many more.
Benefits of 45 Kilos
a. Turbocharge metabolism and blocking fats.
b. Breakdown fat chains and convert into energy.
c. Burn fats and suppress appetite.
d. Maximise ingredient effect.
e. Convert sugar into energy.
f. Reduce water retention.
g. Improve antioxidant and detoxification.
a. 100% natural ingredient
b. Safe & no side effect
c. No rebound effect
d. Easy & convenient
e. Burns fat all day long
f. Controls Appetite
g. Reduces water retention
45 ActivSlim™For the 1st time, Oshihimo™ Japan uses an exclusive patented technology based on nanofluidics to create, capsule by capsule, a formula that combines powerful fat burning and lipids controlling abilities.
At the heart of the formula, tomatoes ground with a several multi-purpose weight loss ingredients to work the magic within the 45 Kilos. It contains a number of precious organic fruits extract, together with Coleus Forskohlii which provides 10% forskolin for our body, breaking down our fat cells and allowing our body to continuously burn fats.
45 ActivSlim™, the technology behind 45 Kilos, is the fruit of a 8-year development by Oshihimo™ - a Japan company renowned as a pioneer in slimming industry. They unleashes this ultra active extract that penetrates deeply within the cells and immediately releases all of its efficacy.
a. Tomato Extract
Tomatoes boost our energy (with more energy we will be more active and committed to a workout routine). This is due to tomatoes' high content of biotin, an essential water-soluble B vitamin. Biotin is one of the "energy vitamins" - without it, our body’s enzymes don’t work well. As a result, apart from low physical energy, we may experience the symptoms of low blood sugar between meals and/or acidosis (a condition of having an acidic blood pH).
Tomatoes stabilise our blood sugar levels and curb our appetite making us feel satisfied for longer periods. This is due to their high content of chromium and fiber, along with biotin.
Tomatoes detoxify our body and as you might know, detoxification is a big step forward towards flushing the fat from our fat cells. Tomatoes' detoxifying properties are mainly due to their high content of powerful antioxidants like vitamins A and C, which protect our body against the free radical damage.
b. Coleus Forskohlii (Containing 10% Forskolin)
Coleus Forskohlii stimulates the production of a molecule called cyclic AMP (cAMP). In our body, cyclic AMP helps our cells talk to each other. When an increase or decrease in cAMP is detected, it acts as a signal that causes the body to do something.
One of the things that cAMP does is tell our cells to increase in an enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase—which burns fat. cAMP might also seems to stimulate the release of thyroid hormone which also helps burn fat and calories.
In addition, Coleus Forskohlii contains L-carnitine, a multi-purpose nutritional supplement which has no side effects. It is mainly used to reduce fat, increase endurance and resistance to fatigue, the weight loss results are the best in the market.
c. Grapefruit Extract (Citrus Paradisi)
Grapefruit extract has been proven for its effectiveness to turbocharge our metabolism. It also has the ability to create a thermogenic capability by fusing oxygen in our body to allow fats to burn by itself without the needs of aerobic exercise.
The essence in Grapefruit also helps to stop our body from absorbing further sugar and carbohydrates, all owing us to stop the main source of having more fats in the body.
d. Raspberry Ketone (Rasketone)
Raspberry Ketone is good for breaking up the fat cell chain allowing it to be even easier to be metabolised. With its superior effect on fat burning, every serving of 100mg extract is equivalent to 90 pounds of berries. With it's special effect, it enhances our body energy to burn fats by converting energy from body fats into energy. With more energy, our body will be able to burn fats without feeling fatigue.
e. Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus Laevigata)
With the strong antioxidant, it helps the blood to get even more oxygenated hence bringing more oxygen to help burn fats. With its far known effect of appetite suppressant, you will not need to be worried about eating as you will not feel like eating as much as before.
f. Pomegranate Extract (Punica Granatum)
Pomegranate extract enhances the ability of our body to absorb other ingredients even more effectively and is an antioxidant-filled ingredient which contains superior amount of Vitamin A, C and E. It also contains 3 times more Polphenols than red wine. Every 100mg of Pomegranate extract is equivalent to a total of 4000mg of its fruit. Anti-oxidant has been far known to help oxidising fats, allowing it to breakdown to smaller molecules for better dissolving ability.
g. Green Tea Extract (Camelia Sinensis)
One of the most used method to lose weight is using Green Tea Extract which acts as a fat metabolism and oxidation. It helps convert our fats into energy and dissolve the excess fats which turns from sugar also known as triglyceride. The oxidation effect helps burning fats even easier by giving the cell even more oxygen, forcing it to break down fat cells.
Q. When Can I expect to see results?
A. We have tested on 50 Asian women and 50 Asian men across the country, good results can be seen just within 7 days. This proves the effectiveness of 45 Kilos.
Q. Is 45 Kilos safe? A. Yes, 45 Kilos is made from 100% natural ingredient and has been tested on 100 Asian men and women.
Q. How long can I take 45 Kilos?
A. 45 Kilos can be consumed as long as you need in order to lose weight or to maintain your body shape after weight lost.
Q. Who is suitable for 45 Kilos?
A. 45 Kilos is suitable for all, especially if you are a heavy eater and hard to lose weight. (Precaution: This product is not for pregnant and breast feeding women. If you are currently under medical supervision, please consult doctor before consuming/buying the product.)
Q. How to slim down quick?
A. You are advised to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day in order to speed up the fat burning and also to break down fats.
Q. When is the best time to consume 45 Kilos?
A. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals said to encourage healthy excretion of growth hormones in your body. In addition, because these hormones are only released while you sleep, that is exactly why you want to take 45 Kilos before going to bed at night.
● Menguatkan sistem imunisasi seseorang
● Mengelakkan badan dari mengalami selesema berulang kali
● Mencerahkan kulit
● Melembapkan kulit
● Membantu memperbaiki sel-sel dalam badan
● Melicinkan tumit kaki yang pecah
● Produk unisex.
● Memudarkan segala jenis parut tebal akibat jerawat, luka dan sebagainya.
● Makan 1 biji sehari
● Bagi pengamal supplement untuk pencerahan kulit seperti gluta & collagen, pengambilan Vitamin C ini amat digalakkan kerana ia akan mempercepatkan penyerapan supplement kedalam tubuh dan mempercepatkan kesan pencerahan kulit.
● Sesuai diambil oleh kanak-kanak 12 tahun keatas
INBOX / WASSAP 0169784699
New !! New !! New !!
🌼Vitamin C injection🌼
1 Boxes x 10 Ampoules(2 ml.)
Each Ampoule Contains Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 500 mg
V C ialah vitamin C tulen untuk injection bole kegunaan luar pon bole. Bagi yang takut nak injek2 bole apply kat seluruh kulit wajah. V- C Injection ni berguna untuk kulit memutih dan mencerahkan kulit supaya tona kulit menjadi sekata. Boleh digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit.
Bagi yang nak cantikkn seluruh kulit badan pon ade cara2 mudah yang saya akan kongsikan dengan anda.
Cara2 Putihkan seluruh kulit badan dengan Vitamin C Injection
Campurkan V-C injection kedalam lotionMasker bersama V-C injectionBoleh diadunkan bersama krim muka, pelembab muka dan foundation
Vitamin C Injection juga bertindak sebagai bahan yg bole mengecutkan jerawat, membersihkan muka dari sisa2 kotoran.
Cara Penggunaan untuk luaran
Campurkan kedalam krim muka / losyen / krim pelembab / atau apply terus ke kulit.
Jika terus apply ke kulit muka biarkan 20-30 minit, kemudian bilas dengan bersih.
Untuk dapatkan kulit yang lebih putih dan mulus sekata, gunakan 2-3 amp sapu rata keatas kulit yang anda nak cerahkan, cth siku, ketiak, lingkaran gelap bawah mata dan banyak lagi.
Bahan : Ascorbic Acid ( Vitamin C ) 500mg setiap ampoule.
Cara simpan supaya tahan lama :
Elakkan letak di tempat yg panasLetakkan dalam suhu 25 degree ke bawah.Jauhkan dari kanak2
Untuk kegunaan Injection :
Tidak digalakkan kepada orang yang mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi, aterosklerosis, penyakit jantung atau apa-apa penyakit kronik dan wanita hamil atau menyusukan anak
Ingin dapatkan kulit Wajah persis artis? Lembut , Gebu , cerah dan tanpa bintik2 hitam mahupun jerawat ? Anda harus dapatkan white me up sleeping mask by Marissa K.I.S.S ni.. 100% original 📣📣
Kulit putih, halus, bersih, bebas bekas jerawat bukan lagi menjadi mimpi. Buktikan dengan kiss white me up!!! Research dan development kiss of beauty telah meneliti ekstrak tanaman2 yang berfungsi utk memutihkan dan menghaluskan kulit. Kiss white me up mengandung ekstrak pueraria mirifica yang dapat menetralisir hormon kewanitaan, membuat tubuh memproduksi hormon untuk menghaluskan dan mngembalikan sinar kulit. White me up juga mengandung ekstrak lidah buaya. Fungsinya utk anti inflamasi, utk bekas luka, mempercepat penyembuhan luka. Sehingga bekas jerawat dan iritasi dapat disembuhkan. Juga diperkaya banyak tanaman lain seperti madonna lily extract, malt barley, dll
Apa ya fungsi white me up?
1. Memutihkan dan mencerahkan dengan lebih permanen. Lebih stabil. Lebih tahan lama hasilnya dan tidak menyebabkan ketergantungan ^^
2. Melembabkan kulit. Menjaga kadar air kulit wajah, menghindarkan kulit wajah kamu dari kekeringan, polusi, radiasi.
3. Merapatkan dan mengecilkan pori wajah kamu
4. Efektif menyamarkan bekas jerawat dan kemerahan akibat jerawat. Dan menyamarkan flek hitam.
Cara penggunaan:
Gunakan seminggu 2 atau 3x di malam hari sebelum tidur. Bilas di pagi hari.. dan lihatlah hasilnya..
✉Inbox atau
📩Wassap me 😄0169784699 for order now
Underarm Whitening Cream - 100% PROVEN EFFECTS!!
Perisa baharu cupcake armpit coklat putih.
Didatangkan dengan bekas yang besar iaitu 50g. Bau manis Coklat Putih membuat pemakai rasa wangi, dan segar. Nano Vitamin A & C & E, 3m3 WHITERIS, Vitamin B3, Ekstrak Mulberry dan Ekstrak Pearl membantu melindungi kulit daripada kusam. Rupa kulit ketiak berseri dengan Triclosan mengurangkan bau badan yang busuk., Aloe Vera, Ekstrak Chamomile dan Shea Butter untuk melembapkan kulit. Menyuburkan kulit bawah lengan yang sihat dan bebas peluh dan menghalang gonococcal.
Komponen utama bahan-bahan:
1.Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
Vitamin B3 membantu kulit kusam kelihatan berseri dan semula jadi.
2.Nano Vitamin A & C & E.
Vitamin A & C & E dalam nano yang membantu untuk menembusi kulit. Mempunyai keupayaan untuk memulihkan kulit untuk kulit berasa licin dan sihat. Anti-Oksida melindungi daripada kulit dari radikal bebas punca kulit kering, Dan ia juga dapat mengurangkan kekasaran kulit.
3.Ekstrak 3.Mulberry
Ekstrak semula jadi melindungi kulit daripada kusam dan gelap bintik agar kulit kelihatan berseri dan semula jadi.
(Atau ekstrak alga coklat) membantu mengurangkan penampilan lingkaran hitam. Bintik-bintik gelap pudar. Bantuan kulit kelihatan berseri Pada dasarnya
5.Ekstrak mutiara
Nilai penjagaan mutiara Menyuburkan kulit dengan terang Berasa lembut dan licin Berseri dan semula jadi.
6.Ekstrak susu
Yang mengandungi ekstrak susu dan mineral berfungsi untuk memberi kelembapan kepada kulit. Menjadikan kulit lembut dan licin, tidak kering.
7. Ekstark Chamomile
Bunga chamomile ekstrak membantu melegakan kulit. Melembapkan kulit berasa lebih lancar. Sesuai untuk kulit sensitif
8. Aloe Vera
Ekstrak lidah buaya Nyata berkelayakan untuk melegakan kulit perlahan-lahan dengan bantuan mengekalkan kelembapan.
9. Allantoin
Mempunyai keupayaan untuk melegakan kulit perlahan-lahan dengan Triclosan Anti-Bakteria punca bau
10.Vitamin E
Ciri-ciri antioksidannya membantu melindungi kulit daripada. Radikal bebas agar rasa kelancaran dan kulit anjal dan lembab. Dan ia mengurangkan kekasaran kulit.
11.Shea Butter
Dari Mangifolia Tree Kacang telah pelembab untuk kulit. Mengekalkan keseimbangan kelembapan kulit agar kulit licin tanpa menyebabkan kerengsaan.
12. Minyak Jojoba
Gas asli mempunyai keupayaan untuk menembusi kulit. Kulit lembut dan mengembalikan kelembapan pada kulit